An Overview of Personal Injury Law

An Overview of Personal Injury Law

There are many different areas of personal injury law. These areas cover a wide range of issues, including causation, damages, and the statute of limitations. Here are some of the most important areas to understand. Also learn about the Defendant’s liability. This section provides an overview of personal injury law. You’ll discover how to win your case, including how to prove negligence. After all, nobody wants to go through an injury lawsuit alone.


The law of causation, according to Judd Shaw Injury Law, aims to help plaintiffs establish that the defendant’s actions or omissions were a substantial factor in causing the plaintiff’s injuries. Essentially, a substantial factor is a factor that contributed materially to the plaintiff’s injuries. The action must have occurred until the injury occurred, and there must be some evidence of the defendant’s negligence. Minor factors are not considered substantial.


There are two main types of damages in injury law: general and special. General damages are intended to make the plaintiff as economically whole as possible after the accident. The courts provide specific instructions for determining the amount of general and special damages. Punitive damages can be awarded for egregious negligence. The purpose of punitive damages is to deter the defendant from repeat behavior. Punitive damages are usually awarded only after compensatory damages are not enough.

Statute of limitations

In most US states, the statute of limitations for a personal injury case is three years from the date of the injury. However, there are some significant exceptions to the general rule. Most personal injury cases must be filed within a certain period of time, after which the legal claim ceases to exist. Personal injury statutes usually last for two years from the date of the injury, one year after the discovery of the injury, and three years from the date of damage to property.

Defendant’s liability

The elements of proving the defendant’s liability in an injury law case are often the most difficult to establish. In order to prove causation, a plaintiff must show that the defendant’s breach of duty caused the plaintiff’s injury. The damages must be proportional to the breach. The plaintiff must show that the defendant’s negligence caused the plaintiff’s injuries. Defendants often fail to demonstrate causation in injury law cases.

Comparative negligence

In injury law, comparative negligence is a legal concept in which a party is found partially or completely responsible for an accident. If a jury determines that a party was 5% or more at fault for the accident, then the injured party cannot collect damages. This rule applies only in five states and can result in a plaintiff losing compensation if he or she was at fault for even a single percent of the accident.

Intentional injury

Intentional injury law is different from tort law, in which the other party’s actions were reckless, careless, or negligent. These acts result in financial damages to the victim. However, most personal injury cases are the result of negligence. A distracted driver may be found responsible for causing a car accident, and an intentional tort claim can be filed against them. Intentional injury law covers a variety of different actions that lead to injuries.