Choosing a Day 1 CPT Program: Everything You Should Know

Choosing a Day 1 CPT Program: Everything You Should Know

Curricular Practical Training is a vital program for every international student. It helps them become proficient in their professional life. CPT students must enroll in a full-time course or degree, and the college they choose must be in the U.S. It is also mandatory for the student to be fluent in English. CPT helps students who want to study and work at the same time. Students develop a professional mindset in addition to working academically. Depending on their needs, students can also opt for volunteering, internship, or unpaid or paid work. If you are considering choosing a CPT program, here are vital things you should know.

Knowing CPT and Its Legality

If you have an F1 visa, you can work under CPT or OPT while you enroll in a college or university in the USA. Generally, you will have sixty days to apply for CPT and look for opportunities. You may have heard of Day 1 CPT, an academic program for a candidate. It requires training from the first day of the program. Day 1 CPT is a program in the university that allows students to use CPT and work at the same time beginning from the first day of this program. However, every student must adhere to the standards set. Additionally, the employment the student seeks must be related to the course they are studying. This program is legal since educational institutions must adhere to the United States Immigration Citizenship Services.

How Day 1 CPT Benefits International Students

There are various benefits that international students reap from Day 1 CPT programs. Such include:

  • Students seeking professional careers in the U.S. market can benefit from CPT through the experience they get from competitors.
  • Students seeking employment opportunities in the U.S. can enroll in any academic degree.
  • Famous companies like Amazon, Google, Apple, and others hire CPT students at all entry-level positions.
  • Students get various job roles.
  • Employment and internships make a student’s CV more attractive.

Eligibility for Day 1 CPT

Not everyone can get Day 1 CPT. You must meet the eligibility criteria to enjoy the program. For instance, the student must maintain their F1 status to renew their visa. A student in CPT is likely to get an H1B visa sponsorship. However, it is advisable to be wise when choosing Day 1 CPT. Here are some eligibility requirements every student must meet.

  • CPT students must have an F1 visa that is valid
  • A student must enroll in a full-time academic course
  • The student must have a ready job offer before they apply for a CPT job
  • Students must apply for jobs in the areas of their majors
  • A student must maintain a GPA of or above 3.0 during their CPT
  • A CPT student can work part-time for at least 20 hours every week or 40 hours total time.

To conclude, a CPT student can be rejected because of using the Day 1 CPT. Therefore, avoiding situations where one can violate their CPT status is crucial. Once there is a violation issue, the student may face problems regarding their H1B visa sponsorship. A CPT student applying for their F1 visa renewal may also face issues. It is crucial to understand how problems come about and avoid them once and for all.